Dudhsagar Falls

        Dudhsagar Falls, Goa - Karnataka - 310m(1017ft) 

Dudhsagar waterfalls or The Sea of Milk is well renowned for its spectacular trajectory. Dudhsagar is the fifth highest waterfall in India falling from a height of 1020ft. Dudhsagar falls is obviously one of the most popular falls in the country and a great tourist attracation of Goa apart from its exotic beaches.During the monsoon season however, the falls are transformed into one of the most powerful falls in India. Dudhsagar waterfalls are among top 100 waterfalls of the world.
Dudhsagar literally means the ocean of milk. Here is the story that tells us how it got the name. The legend is that there was a lake in the Western Ghats. This is where a princess used to come for bathing every day with her friends. After the bath, they used to drink milk – as much as a jug of milk. One fine day as they were playing in the lake a young man passed by. He stopped to look at the maidens in water. The maidens to save their dignity poured the milk in a way that it created a curtain of milk. It is believed that since then the waterfall is flowing creating a curtain of milk. This waterfall is located in the Sanguem Taluka of Goa, and falls into the jurisdiction of the Goa Forest departments since it is a part of the Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuary. One can go by road or rail to Kulem railway station and then trek to the waterfall or hire a jeep with a driver to get closer in; however, there will still be a walk to reach the base of the falls.

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